Manage And Create Preferred and Restricted Audiences

If you use preferred and restricted audiences, you can create them on the fly when posting your content or within your organization/team settings.

You can create a audience segment by going to the Add Content Screen and click the “Visible to Everyone on Facebook Button” in the content preview on the right. A pop up will appear where you can specify the audience you want to target or avoid. Select your traits and decide whether you want to use this segment again or if it’s a one time use by flipping the “save this segment” toggle at the bottom of the pop up.

To create a preferred or restricted audience from the settings, go to settings and select the Preferred and Restricted Audiences Section. Then click the “Add Audience” button on the relevant column.

We pull the Audience Creation Guidelines directly from Facebook so you can add traits to your newly created audience segments.

After customizing an audience segment make sure to click the save button. If you’d like to delete an audience, just click the red "X" next to the audience name in either column.