Linking Your Content Feeds

Easily connect your RSS Feed to Naytev to autoimport or auto-publish your content to your desired social handle. There’s no limit to how many RSS feeds that attach to your account.

Add An RSS Feed:

To add an RSS Feed click the “Add Content Feed” button on the upper right, copy and paste your RSS Feed URL into the URL Field, and then click save.

You’ll be asked to “Add a Page Connection” to your RSS feed. You can connect multiple social handles to a single RSS feed. This handle association lets us understand what to do with your content.

Click Add A Page Connection and choose a social handle from the selected drop downs. When you attach a social handle Naytev will by default automatically import content to your Content Library and not post it.

Automate Posting to Your Social Handles:

If you want to automate posting to your page, click the edit pencil to open up your RSS Feed Social Handle Preferences and choose your desired posting option and post status.

Once you’ve associated a social handle to your RSS feed make sure to set the Content Feed Rules by manipulating the dropdown and toggle that appear. You can choose to automatically post detected content at a cadence of your choice, set the posting status to require manual approval before posting content, or even automatically apply tags to content as its detected from the RSS feed.

Delete An Rss Feed:

To delete an RSS Feed or Page Connection, all you have to do is click on the “Red X” next to the page association or the feed name. Deleting either will delete all preferences you’ve set.