Understand Your Naytev Posting Options

Posting Options:

Use your posting options to publish content based on it’s life cycle. You can post content through the Naytev Scheduler Intelligently (which consults your scheduler rules and fanpage data from your Facebook Page) to automatically pick the best posting time for your content or Manually where you dictate a time.

Posting Intelligently:

Post Intelligently - ASAP

This is best for breaking trending content, like this article from CNN’s Breaking News Page. It will post your content at the next available time slot according to your publishing rules.

  • For a Tested Post your best post will be shared as soon as possible after your test reaches Confident Results.
  • For an Untested Post: Your post will be shared as soon as possible.

Post Intelligently - Within X Hours

This is best for content that's timely, but has a longer conversational lifespan. Post intelligently within X hours will post your content at the ideal opportunity within the timeframe you set. For these two relevant news pieces that have a short relevancy window - we scheduled them to post within 3 and 6 hours and the Naytev scheduler found their best time to post those pieces of content within each unique time range.

  • For a Tested Post your best post will be shared after your test reaches Confident Results, within 24 hours.
  • For an Untested Post your post will be shared within the total hours you pick.

Post Intelligently - Within X Days

Best for longer lifespan and evergreen content. Similar to within X hours, this will post at the ideal opportunity, but within days you set. For example, here’s this TechCrunch article that has a long lifespan, but is still relevant to recent events.

  • Tested Post: Your best post will be shared after your test reaches Confident Results, within the total days you pick.
  • Untested Post: Your post will be shared within the total days you pick.

Post Intelligently - Within a Content Window

Best for evergreen content relevant to a saved, recurring time-frame (e.g. 'Weekend'). This will post only within the content window you select. In your Publishing Rules, you can create your own content windows for commonly used timeslots throughout the week, but we provide you with three defaults: Weekday, Weeknight, and Weekend. You can customize these windows to accommodate weekly news roundups or even common times for crossposting content.

  • Tested Post: Your best post will be shared after your test reaches Confident Results, during the Content Window you pick.
  • Untested Post: Your post will be shared during the Content Window you pick.

Post Intelligently - Between Two Times

Best for posting content to a one-off, more distant time frame. This will post within an arbitrary time frame you select. For example, if you have any holiday content that you that you want to scheduled far in advance - you can use Post Intelligently Between Two times. The Naytev Scheduler will only display a week into the future, but you can always check the content queue to make sure that your content is scheduled to post.

  • Tested Post: Your best post will be shared after your test reaches Confident Results, within the time frame you pick.
  • Untested Post: Your post will be shared within the time frame you pick.

Posting Manually:

Post at a Specific Time

Best for posting content to a one-off, exact time. For example this guide to microblading after Milan Fashion Week revealed bushy eyebrows were on trend after a bombshell Dior Show.

  • Tested Post: Your best post will be shared at the time you pick, regardless of Confidence.
  • Untested Post: Your post will be shared at the time you pick.

Post Immediately

Best for posts that simply can't wait to be shared and need to go out as soon as possible. No analysis on when your fans are most online or your set scheduler rules - this goes out immediately.

  • Tested Post: Your best post will be shared immediately.
  • Untested Post: Your post will be immediately.

Have more questions about posting options? Feel free to check out our Success Center or reach out to us if you have any questions.