Paid Amplification Best Practices

Best Practices:

Getting the most out of Naytev is easy - as long as you follow best practices. You’ll always be able to eke out the most engagement out of your content if you follow these general principles.

Test At A Schedule:

Testing enables you to find the best packaging for a piece of content at the time you test, but we exist as a solution to help you move the needle on metrics that matter most to your team. Testing is like working out - you have to dedicate yourself to a schedule before you start seeing any results. Do what’s right for you and scale up your testing when you can.

Regular testing is crucial to move the needle for your team and get the results you want.

Make Use of All Fields:

While it may be alluring to try and isolate a single “it” variable in your tests - better results are tied to different variations. Here are the variables that are most important for each type of content:

  • Article: Thumbnail, Post Text, Headline
  • Video: Thumbnail, Post Text
  • Image: Thumbnail, Post Text
Stick to 6-9 Variations:

Keeping your budget around $30-$40 with 6-9 variations consolidates focus on your most important messages, avoids performance dilution, lifts total and speeds up test run time. If you want to test more variations - keep in mind that you’ll have to put more money behind your tests

Incorporate Meaningful Differences

However, all the above best practices fall apart if you don’t incorporate meaningful differences. We’ve completed hundreds of tests and witnessed our clients complete thousands more - iterative testing can get you to the answer, but it’s lower, more expensive and more time consuming. You can quickly cut through the chaff by putting meaningful variation differences into your message variations from the get go.

For example - if you were testing a travel or vacation article, would you have a strong opinion between these two photos? They’re kind of the same.

When we say meaningful differences, we mean something like this.

Message Variation and meaningful differences hold true for headline and post text copy as well. Play with sentence structure, questions, negative and positive framing. Don’t check to see if a single word moves the needle - it’s the sentiment and message that really bears meaning.

Post Your Winning Message Through Naytev

A final step to make sure you get the most out of naytev is posting your best message through Naytev. As mentioned earlier Naytev has the ability to transfer earned tested engagement to an organic post on your Facebook page. Make sure you capitalize on that earned engagement to move the needle!

Since Naytev tests your content against a lookalike audience, we automatically exclude your current page fans. So when you post the best message through to Naytev your page fans will be seeing a battle tested piece of content for the very first time. They’re also more likely to engage with your content since it’s been pre-seeded with engagement.

Start off your smart social strategy by testing and close the loop by posting your best message through to Naytev.

If you have any questions about testing, publishing or best practices - please feel free to reach out to us via the support icon on Naytev. We’ll get to you ASAP.

You can also reach out to us via my personal email We’re always happy to help.

Happy testing!