Zack Liscio

CEO @ Naytev

When he's not working at Naytev, Zack loves to be outside. You can typically find him drinking coffee, rock climbing, or surfing. He's an East Coast transplant with no plans of leaving the West Coast.

Recent Posts by
Zack Liscio

A/B Testing Tools Roundup

There are many tools available for A/B testing. Here are the ones you need.

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A/B Testing is Like a Gym Membership

Like signing up for a gym membership, simply buying A/B testing software won't improve your performance.

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What We Learned Setting Up Facebook Instant Articles

Now that Facebook Instant Articles are available for all publishers, it’s clear the new format is going to be a major part of most publications and brands’ content distribution strategy. Luckily, the setup is fairly straightforward.

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The Bursting Advertising Bubble Is a Win for Facebook

After all the click fraud, low quality, robots, and ad spam, there's a reckoning coming.

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How to #stopTrump with A/B Testing

Using all the tech at our disposal to fight the Voledmort of our times.

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