Enterprise Social Media Management Feature Evaluation Checklist

In market for a new social media marketing platform? Check out the handy guide we wrote on the questions to ask that accompanies this checklist.

I will be managing:

  • Paid Social
  • Organic Social
  • Both Paid and Organic Social

Number of social handles I’ll be managing: __________

Team structure:

  • It’s just me
  • There are multiple people on a single team
  • There are multiple teams each with multiple people

Number of new pieces of content I publish per month: ______________

How many times I post per day: ___________________

Social Networks I’ll be publishing to:

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Instagram
  • Pinterest
  • LinkedIn

What kind of content are you publishing?

  • Links, articles, and other assets with a URL
  • Images and gifs
  • Videos

Do you customize posts for each network?

  • Each network gets its own customized creative for posts
  • We use the same copy and creative for each network

Do you repost content multiple times?

  • No, once we publish a link, image, or video, it’s finished
  • Yes, we try to reach our audience multiple times with a given piece of content?

Do you schedule content in advance?

  • No, we post everything immediately
  • Yes, we plan our our content schedule in advance

Do you need the ability to review posts before they go live?

  • Yes, having draft posts is important to me
  • No

How do you import content?

  • Manually
  • RSS Feed
  • API
  • CMS Integration